
Resolute Health performed the first total hip replacements in Ethiopia, based on all data we have, alongside partner hospitals in Addis Ababa.

This has become a key piece of our orthopedics project in the area. In partnership with local health providers, we have performed hundreds of procedures at no cost for patients, some of whom had been waiting for years to have them.

  • Shoulder and hand replacements

  • Hip replacements

  • Spine surgery fracture surgery

  • Infection control

  • Fluid control

  • Follow ups

  • Instructing orthopedic trauma fellow

  • Operated with orthopedic surgery residents

  • Lectured to 30+ orthopedic surgery residents


Hip replacements: An average hip replacement in Addis costs about 278,000 Ethiopian birr ($10,000). In November 2018, our partner hospital had a waiting list of about 200 patients waiting for hip replacements. Thanks to a partnership with Zimmer Biomet, the prosthetics themselves were provided at no cost, and the surgeries were performed for free. Resolute Health and local health workers performed nearly 200 surgeries in 10 days.

Current priorities:

1. Perform operations as needed.

2. Hold more trainings with partner hospitals.

3. Work to develop hip replacement processes so they can be performed year round.

4. Hold lectures on shoulder replacement.  

4. Assess impactfull orthopedic interventions.