Resolute Health works alongside health providers so communities worldwide can better care for themselves in the long-term.
Resolute Health believes that sustainability can only be achieved if missions are planned and conducted in close partnership with a community’s key figures. Resolute Health’s work to establish strong and positive relationships has created a culture of trust and respect between the nonprofit’s volunteers and local leaders and healthcare professionals.
Provides flights for global humanitarian aid workers.
Donates crucial medical equipment, especially for orthopedics.
Zimmer Biomet
Provided hip replacement supplies.
US Academic Institutions
University of Washington
Department of anesthesiology provides aid.Duke University
University of Minnesota
Virginia Mason Hospital
Aid and workers from their Department of Anesthesiology.
Children’s Hospital Seattle
Aid and workers from their Department of Nephrology.
Health Care Partners
SPHMMC (St Paulus Millennium Medical College)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Ethiopian Ministry of Health
Black Lion (Tikur Anbessa)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia